Thursday 11 February 2016


I'm not obligated to wait around til the times right. I'm not obligated to stay around til you make your mind up either..

It's so hard when you want one thing to happen and the other doesn't but does that mean I should stick around til they decide they actually want me in their life forever? Nah, you're waiting around for them to decide and actually make you number 1 someone else you actually doesn't take you for granted is gonna be there. The person you were with or are currently will see that some next man is trying to get your attention, so he makes you his priority, if you aren't happy then neither is he. He actually shows he cares rather than not wanting to show because its 'embarrassing' is it though? Showing your girlfriend you love her and want to make her your number 1 or your only one isn't embarrassing or even humiliating, put it this way.. your girl she tells you she loves you. she tells you to be safe when you go out, she takes an interest in things your passionate about.
 But what does she get for it?!

She gets mixed feelings from a guy, he makes her feel one way then his actions fuck with her head. But most importantly, she realises that she doesn't deserve mixed signals from a guy who doesn't know if he's coming or going.. She deserves love, respect and honesty and what does she get? A broken heart.

One thing I hate so much in relationships is half assin shit. A hug for example, I want a proper squeeze me til I pop kinda thing not some one armed shoulder pop like I'm one of your homies.
In relationships you've got to know your self worth, and who knows.. maybe I've just found mine..


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